Rake Your Heart Out
Cleaning Neighborhoods One Yard at a Time
Saturday, NOVEMBER 16th, 2024
Every November volunteers from local businesses, community organizations, and corporations come together to clean up the yards of elderly, disabled, or veteran homeowners in Salt Lake County in our annual Rake Your Heart Out event.
Our goal is to help homeowners who cannot physically clean up their home themselves make positive impacts, not just for the house itself, but for everyone involved. By helping beautify just one home, the homeowners feel like a valued part of their community, the neighbors get inspired to spruce up their homes too, and the volunteers know they can truly make a difference for others.

Rake Your Heart Out would not be possible without volunteers. Rake Your Heart Out is a great team-building activity that makes you feel good while doing it - and you get to volunteer outside of the office and make a difference in the community!
We accept volunteer team applications all year long, so sign up today!
Please have the following information ready to apply below to clean a yard this November:
» Team Name
» Team Lead Contact Information
» Preferred Home Location
*We receive many team applications and may not be able to accommodate every team.
NeighborWorks Salt Lake is gearing up for the annual Rake Your Heart Out event to clean 20 yards. Space is limited every year. Please submit a request to rake your home or provide a recommendation EARLY for a home that needs its leaves raked.
Please note the following before submitting your application or recommendation:
» That the homeowner is either a veteran, over the age of 55, or has/ have a disability or cares for a person with a disability.
» That they or you live within Salt Lake County.
*Applying does not guarantee that the home with be selected for the event. All homes must undergo an evaluation by a NeighborWorks Staff Member before eligibility can be determined.

Every year, NeighborWorks Salt Lake coordinates dozens of volunteers to rake and clean up homes within Salt Lake County for free. Become a sponsor of the Annual Rake Your Heart Out event and invest in making our neighborhoods more vibrant, connected, and beautiful places of opportunity.
NeighborWorks Salt Lake is a nonprofit organization that works to revitalize neighborhoods in Salt Lake County. By becoming a sponsor of this neighborhood revitalization community event, you invest in the community and receive a return on investment for a lifetime.